Brisk Water Ahead
This was the first Saturday in I can't even remember that I didn't feel rushed to stay on a timeline! It was a strange feeling to be honest. I have gotten used to having to get up at 4am, pack up my food, get all my snow gear together and either drive or be picked up! I felt a bit out of it on Saturday when I didn't have to be doing anything! I woke up at my normal weekday time, 5:00am, and got breakfast (since training so much I am hungry all of the time!), and sat down to watch some TV. I am ashamed to admit that I watched TV for hours. I should have gotten up to work out or do something productive, but I just couldn't do it!
At 1pm is when I started really moving around. I had planned to workout with my trainer at 2pm, so I got ready for a good booty kicking. Since it was raining I met my trainer at her house and I did pilates on her pilates machine. I love this machine. It really opens up your body. She threw in some new exercises that really kicked my booty. By the time I got out of there I was sweating, which I typically don't do!
I got home with all intentions of putting on my swimsuit and walking up the 7 blocks to the rec center to get my first swim in months in. My pool was closed down around Thanksgiving to resurface it, they just reopened it this weekend. I couldn't drag my lazy butt up there, so I sat back down and relaxed. This relaxation thing is pretty dang nice!
Sunday I got up at my usual time, ate and got ready to walk up to the pool. There was a sign outside the building addressed to all swimmers stating the following: "To all swimmers, since the pool was just reopened we must advise you that the water is a BRISK 76 degrees. The pool will be its normal 81 degrees by Monday or Tuesday." After reading that sign I thought, "76 degrees doesn't seem all that brisk to me....I'll be fine." I soon found out that their idea of BRISK is my idea of freezing!
I jumped in the pool, came racing to the top and said to the lifeguard through chattering teeth, "This is not a brisk 76 degrees. This pool can't be hotter than 65 degrees at best! It is freezing!" His response...... "Well our sign said it was BRISK." I should have splashed him with the BRISK 76 degree water, but thought better of it. I didn't want to get kicked out even though the idea of not being in this cold water was pretty appealing!
Instead of splashing the lifeguard, I decided that since I was already freezing my booty off, I would stay in and get my swim in. At the end of my workout, I had swam over a mile in I feel like I had a good workout in, even if the water was colder than a witches tit.
I had made plans with friends to go hiking or walking later in the day on Sunday, which one we did all depended on how muddy it was after our rain on Saturday, so I high tailed it home to touch base with them to see what the plan was. We decided to meet up in Oakland and walk around the lake. The distance around is 3 1/2 miles. We did one complete loop and then some. Overall I had a good weekend. I missed being out in the snow, though that water was as cold as being in the snow, so I guess I had the next best thing....maybe!
This coming Saturday is out last practice at Bear Valley. We have 3 snow team practices left before our competition...the pressure is on to make sure that we can make our time cutoffs for the races. I am aiming to compete in the 40K...and I know that I can finish it, I just hope I make the time cutoffs so that I am an official finisher.
I'll have more to share later! Until then......